European Health Award 2014: Six projects shortlisted
Six cross-border health projects have now been short-listed for the prestigious European Health Award 2014. They cover topics such as management of psychotic disorders, TB, perinatal health, pharmacovigilance, threat preparedness and Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome. The prize-winner will be chosen by ...
Socrates & Plato
Western philosophy began well before Socrates, but we'll leave the pre-Socratics to themselves for now and pretend that Socrates was indeed the first (western) philosopher. We'll also soft-pedal Bertrand Russell's judgment (later shared by Izzy Stone) that the Platonic Socrates is "dishonest and sop ...
My Holiday In Greece 2014!!
Happy Wednesday, I have recently got back from my holiday in Kos Greece. It was so lovely to have amazing weather, we did not see a cloud in the sky all week. Greece is the most beautiful place I have ever been too. My granddad has a boat, and my cousins and I was lucky enough to go out a visit him ...
Tuberculosis (tb) Part 4
So there are merely four recognized but at ascendancy diseases slowly formed cases of South Carolina is tuberculosis? The following drugs are used in treating active tuberculosis: could afford medical care and treatments, so they were cured. Noni has been researched by 30 consequence is of the the p ...
Anacridium aegyptium (Linnaeus, 1764) Criquet égyptien (Arthropoda, Insecta, Orthoptera)
Photos prisent par Ellada Valérie (Panasonic DMC FZ200) à Karpenissi Evrytania Grèce. Φωτογραφίες από την Ellada Valérie (Panasonic DMC-FZ200) στο Καρπενήσι Ευρυτανία. Pictures taken by Ellada Valérie (Panasonic DMC-FZ200) at Karpenissi Evrytania Greece. HOME
European Storm Forecast Experiment
Storm Forecast Storm Forecast Valid: Wed 03 Sep 2014 06:00 to Thu 04 Sep 2014 06:00 UTC Issued: Tue 02 Sep 2014 20:51 Forecaster: PISTOTNIK A level 1 and level 2 were issued for the Aegean Sea, E Greece, NW Turkey, Bulgaria and SE Romania mainly for excessive precipitation, tornadoes, and to a lesse ...
Scottish independence: Olli Rehn, former European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the euro destroys the SNP on gaining EU membership and use of “sterlingisation”, in local news, STV ...
Dear All Olli Rehn, a former European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the euro. He has a simple straight forward message for Alex Salmond and unpopular Nicola Sturgeon; a separate Scotland could not join the EU if it adopted sterlingisation. This latest intervention is more or les ...
Taste of Delft !
Welcome Autumn...Welcome September Καλημέρα φίλοι μου!!Καλό μήνα καί καλό Φθινόπωρο!Πόσο γρήγορα πέρασε τό όμορφο καλοκαίρι!Σήμερα η μέρα Φθινοπωρινή,γεμάτη σύννεφα καί έτοιμη γιά βροχή! Φθινοπωρινές καί οι μέρες,πού πέρασα στήν Ολλανδία,μέ πολύ ψύχρα καί κάποιες ξαφνικές μπόρες! Oude Delft ,ένα από ...
London in my September
Dear London, This song reminds me of you every time I play it on my phone. As the melody flows, the subtle and melancholy sound of piano brings me a wave of nostalgia. It gives me vivid flashbacks to the time we were together. It’s been two years since I left. I’ve finally settled in the place that ...