Saturday, August 23, 2014

Down south, Kalamata way

Down south, Kalamata way

We're taking our time rounding the three capes of the Southern Peleponnese. After leaving Yithio, we sailed down to Porto Kayio, and promptly got socked in for 4 days. We were anchored in the small bay, dancing around like a mad hatter to the 30 knot gusts which came from all directions. Boats would ...

The Arms Hotel, Saturday

There was something going on down at the school today? What, new students? Great. Nikolai never really had any reason to go down that way anyway, not unless there was something actively trying to kill everyone on the island and it was important to hit the books. But even so, days like today he was h ...

Origins of “Ole!”

What does the word “Ole!” make you think of? Rejoicing, clapping, dancing, celebration, bullfights, Spain? But before it was Spanish, it came from a religious chant, from another country altogether. The Moors would cheer “Allah!” when witnessing a certain transcendence of creativity. You know that m ...

The Blessing of Abraham

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who ...

Travel Far Enough You Meet Yourself

I always heard the saying "travelling is the best education" growing up, however, apart from a few family trips to southern states or countries I had limited knowledge or practical application of this cliché statement. Strapped with some spending cash earned from working close to fulltime hours whil ...

Scotland's Future.

In a matter of a few weeks Scotland will decide on its future. The Left seems to have lined up behind the Yes-side of the referendum on Scottish independence. We should be asking ourselves, what is the case for unionism here? Surely, there has to be a progressive case here. After all, the Union stoo ...

Allan C. Lebow Supreme Court Review

The First Amendment Under The Roberts Court: Hobby Lobby, McCullen, Harris, Town of Greece, and McCutcheon

Why Ancient Greeks Didn’t Suffer From Middle-Age Spread

Middle-age spread is a problem that worries millions of people as they get older. After 35, the body is starting to lose its ability to remain in shape and fat is usually collecting around the abdomen. Unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exercise aggravate the problem. It appear ...


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