Monday, September 8, 2014

How Can We Remove Hatred From This World

How Can We Remove Hatred From This World

Man is the greediest creature of the world. He wishes to have everything in this world. He wants to rule the world and possess everything that is available on this earth. Mahatma Gandhi has once remarked that there is enough on this earth to satisfy every person’s need but the entire wealth is not e ...

Signs of the Times (9/8/14)

Federal Judge Upholds Louisiana Gay Marriage Ban Louisiana’s gay marriage ban was upheld in a decision Wednesday (Sept. 3). Federal judge Martin Feldman ruled that ban could remain in place, becoming the first federal judge to rule in support of a state ban since the Supreme Court renounced the Defe ...

Margaret Atwood – The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus

Deft, sly and playful reworking of the Odyssey story – from the woman’s POV This is a sharp and acerbic story, examining what it might be like to be the ‘patient woman who weaves and waits for her husband to return from derring-do and being heroic’ Atwood wears her learning and her feminism lightly, ...

Buy Handmade List: Bags & Purses

As you all know, as a small business owner and crafter myself, I try to buy locally / handmade as much as possible. I'm starting a new feature here on the blog to showcase my love of handmade and feature as many amazing artists and work as possible. First up is one of my loves in life - purses and b ...

The Top 10 Best Team USAs in International Basketball History

Rafa Rivas/AFP/Getty Images As you read this, Team USA’s basketball team is comfortably tearing through the competition on their way to the round of 16 for the 2014 FIBA World Cup. They stomped Finland by nearly 60 points. The U.S. is good at basketball even when we’re missing some of our best and b ...

24 // a state of the union address

happy birthday, fellow virgos. you're all so cute and pragmatic and practical and diligent. ...or so says my online horoscope reading. let's be honest, i'm the least pragmatic and practical individual i know. but, i get major points for trying. i'm not unintelligent by any means. i'm just less flow- ...


Featuring: Rosee Alimon Photography: Andrew Pamorada Make-Up: Arielle Alvarado Unlike other goddesses who were just born goddesses, Psyche earned her way to becoming a goddess (without even desiring to become one in the first place). Although she was but a mere mortal, she was sought and admired by ...

Our trip to Greece, ice cream in Blago and upcoming elections: my first Bulgarian September weekend and how the new week starts

A nice view on Kavala, the city in northern Greece that I visited with a group of AUBG students on Sunday. The Greek flag on a tower hidden behind a tree in Kavala’s castle. Another magnificent view on Kavala, the castle and the aqueduct. Kavala is situated on the coast of the Aegean sea, as you can ...

Super Cool

Viking fortress discovered "Archaeologists in Denmark have found a ring-shaped Viking fortress on the island of Zealand, around 50km south of Copenhagen. It is the fifth circular fortress to be unearthed, and the first in more than 60 years. Lasse Sonne, a Viking historian at the University of Copen ...

Notícias do Instituto Web RESOL : Quarta edição da Virada Sustentável envolve cerca de 900 mil pessoas : Califórnia será o primeiro estado americano a proibir sacolas plásticas

Recebi por email : " Web-Resol no Facebook: Idioma: Português Quarta edição da Virada Sustentável envolve cerca de 900 mil pessoas Movimento Limpa Brasil chega este sábado a Fortaleza Relator insiste em incluir prorrogação de lixões na Medida Provisória da nota fiscal Calif ...

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