Sunday, June 7, 2009

Should i move out of the USA and live in Greece

Should i move out of the USA and live in Greece?
When i finish college here i was thinking about living in greece. I plan on becoming a doctor and i never heard anything bad about it but i love the scenery of it.
Greece - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sure honey, Greece is an awesome place, actually a paradise on Earth. We might be a bit disorganized (lol) but one can not have everything in his life, right?
2 :
come and try it yourself if you don't regret it, then stay
3 :
You can do whatever you wish to do. However, I would not recommend you to come live in Greece, especially since you say you want to work as a doctor. - There are too many doctors in Greece. - The social security system is quite problematic in many cases but you may lose a number of clients if you decide to work independently (Doctors in most cases co-operate with the social security organizations (each organization represents a certain profession, for example: farmers, doctors, hotel staff etc)). - You will definitely need to deal with bureaucracy (recognition of certificates, license to run a medical office etc... Panhellenic Medical Association: - You will have to ...learn ...some Greek and know the LEGISLATION. Of course, if your specialty as a doctor is something extaordinary - needed and you choose to live in an urban center, you might become very successful.
4 :
Hello dear! Well, try to make contacts and possibly get a job before you arrive to Greece! Greece is a wonderful but also small and competitive!
5 :
Yassou Ellada!!!! I love Greece! F or me, I would never be able to live there. I am too much accustomed to my North American ways. For you, I would suggest going there for a long vacation to see if you really like it that much to live there. There is a huge difference between living there and going there for a vacation. I know you will love it there but ask yourself this, do you see yourself living there? There has to be more than just, "I love the scenery". You know what I mean? I have no doubt you will absolutely love the country, but will you love it enough to move there completely? Good luck in making your decision.
6 :
Living in other countries is very life experience expanding. You need to set yourself a plan. Do you want to study medicine in the U.S. after Greece, or do you wish to live in Greece and study medicine there. Living in other countries is a good thing. As part of your planning, search online and learn all you can about Greece. Check into the Host Family Plan which lets students visit from one country to another and they can help you learn how safe life is in Greece. I had a japanese student in my home for 9 months once and another for 2-3 weeks as part of the Host Family Plan and it was really enjoyable. Most of the Host Families are hosting high school students, so if you have any problem finding the group online, your local highschools should know, or possibly the Optimists' Club can tell you how to find them. I don't know if they have host families in other countries, but I suspect they do. They would be an excellent source of information.
7 :
great place to be - a bit dry as far as jobs are concerned!
8 :
go for vacation to check it out and see if you like it! :) i did a 3-month student teaching practice in athens, and i ended up finding a job there for next year. so i'm moving from chicago, USA, to greece for at least the next year or so, if not more! i hope you like greece as much as i do!

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