Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Italians that live in Greece

Italians that live in Greece?
i know there are Italians that live in Greece.i dont know that much about them.i searched in online and the results are not what im looking for.tell me stuff about them.tell me interesting facts anythings thats related with the Italians who live in Greece.
Greece - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
one fact is that they have similar taste of good food mediterranean food :]
2 :
There isn't any Italian ethnic group resident in Greece, only some immigrants, which are very few, so as you guess they are separate cases that cannot be stereotyped...do you want to hear the story of every one of them separately?
3 :
I haven't heard of a big amount of Italians living in Greece. I have just met a couple in my life, and those are half Greek and half Italian. I guess you could visit a Catholic church or something to get more info. I wish I could help you more but I really don't think that there are enough
4 :
There are indeed Italians living in Greece, either for professional reasons, mostly running Italian restaurants, or just because they are married to a Greek citizen. They don't form any separate community, nor do they keep tight relationships among them, apart from some rare occasions of cultural nature or a Christmas bazaar in Athens. An interesting small community of Italians is being created in the island of Rhodes, mostly by people who have retired and chose this island for their residence for a variety of reasons, and mainly because the Italian influence is still present there. There is also a considerable number of Greeks of Italian origin, whose ancestors immigrated to Greece mostly for commercial reasons. They can be recognized by their surname, which is always slightly changed (a final S added for instance), but the majority of them do not speak Italian or they speak quite a few. And there exists a tiny number of them who have kept their cultural and lingual background, like my father's family which for instance preserved through the years its orientation and devotion to the Italian Opera and canzonette. You may find some further informantion in this site: http://www.sistemaitalia.gr/
5 :
I am 3/4 Greek and 1/4 Italian! is funny i see a member who answer here,has the name of my mother lol yeah here are enough italian people! many italians have restaurants,shops,teach Italian in private schools,and in Athens is in Pattisia the Italian_Greek Union of mixed people with Greek and Italian like myself or just full Blooded Italians who live in Greece! if u live in Greece look for this Union! Famous Greek -Italians is Andreas Palobarini who is sport journalist!
6 :
I have Italian friends in Greece, they are mostly married to Greeks. I also know some Italians who have a business here. They have a good time here, since their temperament and mentality is similar to the Greek one. They go to Italy often, as it is very near. I don't know what else you'd like to know in particular.

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