Friday, September 19, 2014

Alexis Tsipras casts himself as Greece’s prime minister in waiting

Alexis Tsipras casts himself as Greece’s prime minister in waiting

As you would expect from the leader of Greece’s radical left opposition party, Alexis Tsipras has many pungent criticisms of eurozone economic policy: demand is too weak; fiscal discipline too severe; debt repayments too high; and, consequently, growth ...

Hardouvelis signals Greece may skip IMF loans to exit aid curbs

Athens. Finance minister Gikas Hardouvelis signaled Greece may forego International Monetary Fund emergency loans in 2015 and 2016 in order to secure an exit from the terms of its bailout, eKathimerini announced. “The IMF doesn’t want to lend alone ...

Watch Out Greece, Nikki Beach Has Descended On Porto Heli

Signature Nikki Beach touches include unlimited free movies on demand (also streamable to your devices, should you want to irritate everyone by watching Skyfall by the pool), GrooveShark, a streaming service for music on your phone (should you wish to ...

Intellectual Property in Trade Agreements

Simon Lester Tom Giovanetti of the Institute for Policy Innovation, who spoke at a Cato event we held earlier this year, has a new essay arguing that intellectual property protection should be included in trade agreements. He makes several points, but I’m going to focus on just one. He states: [N]um ...

The Greek Look-alike of Ryan Gosling

George Gasteratos, a man from the island of Corfu in western Greece, is the Greek look-alike of the Hollywood star Ryan Gosling. In fact, the resemblance is so uncanny that, were Gasteratos to live in the USA, some think that he could work as Gosling’s double. “I have often been told that I look lik ...

Finansbank pregăteşte o ofertă publică secundară

Finansbank, subsidiara din Turcia a National Bank of Greece (NBG), a anunţat, vineri, că a început demersurile pentru o posibilă ofertă publică secundară de vânzare de acţiuni, transmit Bloomberg şi Reuters.

Το μνημόνιο έβγαλε την Ελλάδα από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Δεν ισχεύει το δίκαιο της ΕΕ στις χώρες που υπεγραψαν μνημόνια.

-Απίστευτη ομολογία της Κομισιόν ότι δεν ισχύει ο Χάρτης των Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων στην Ελλάδα -Απάντηση του Επιτρόπου Οικονομικών και Νομισματικών Υποθέσεων σε ερώτηση ευρωβουλευτών του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Θυμάστε τις κραυγές προεκλογικά; “Γιατί κύριε;” έλεγε η γνωστή διαφήμιση… Ήταν η κτηνώδης προπαγάνδα που ...

Mary Coustas Prayed For Her Baby at Panagia Tinos

Mary Coustas Prayed For Her Baby at Panagia Tinos in Greece Mary Coustas posted this beautiful photo of her daughter Jamie on Facebook last week. Isn’t she cute? After reading her story in New Idea magazine, I discovered that Mary Coustas travelled to Panagia Tinos to pray for a baby. Her prayers we ...

Catholic Meditation - Twenty Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A

Martin Jumbam The Universal Church celebrates Sunday, September 21, 2014 as the 25 th Sunday in Ordinary Time in the liturgical year A. The 21 st day of September is also celebrated as the feast day of Saint Matthew, the Evangelist and Apostle of Christ. The Gospel passage of this Sunday's Mass is t ...

Review: MUST-EAT New Dishes at the 2014 Epcot Food and Wine Festival

It’s finally here! We are reporting to you LIVE from the 2014 Epcot Food and Wine Festival! We’ve been busy for the last couple of days gathering information and pricing for you for every one of the Marketplace Booths at this year’s festival. We’ve also had the pleasure of Eating and Drinking Our Wa ...

A Greek Translator Equipped with 32 Different Languages

Could a Greek become a new top candidate for the “Guinness World Records” list of most languages spoken? Ioannis Ikonomou, a translator who lives in Brussels and works for the European Commission, speaks 32 languages, all of them fluently. His urge, he says, is to keep learning more. “The EU Commiss ...

Cele mai scumpe 10 camere de hotel din lume

Pentru toti cei care atunci cand merg in vacante isi doresc doar camere la hoteluri de 5 stele, iata o lista care ti-ar prinde bine. LOVER’S DEEP, ST. LUCIA: 150,000 $ pe noapte LAUCALA ISLAND RESORT, FIJI: 40,000 $ pe noapte GRAND RESORT LAGONISSI, GREECE: 40,000 $ pe noapte HOTEL PRESIDENT WILSON, ...

Bulgarians Are Living the ‘Greek Dream’

Bulgarians may not be considered “high level” tourists — their average per capita expenditure per trip does not exceed 500 euros — but this year, they’ve flooded Greek summer destinations in northern Greece. Their arrival has helped balance the recent decline in Russian tourists to Greece. According ...

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