Friday, September 12, 2014

Archaeologists unveil marble female statues inside huge ancient tomb in northern Greece

Archaeologists unveil marble female statues inside huge ancient tomb in northern Greece

ATHENS, Greece — Archaeologists inching through a large 2,300-year-old tomb in northern Greece on Thursday uncovered two marble female statues flanking the entrance to one of three underground chambers, in another sign of the unusual attention and ...

Shippax CFI Weekly Bulletin - 37

Headlines of news added to Shippax CFI’s Newsdeck section during week 37. For full text, visit Shippax at: Please note that further news might be added to the web site during the course of the day COPENHAGEN and BERLIN getting lighter day after day September 12. This interestin ...


2013 IRS controversy In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had … college students it trained | location London | work Daily … IRS delays income tax deadlineThe prime minister of Greece is warning of a March default unless unions accept salary cuts, the IRS is pos ...

Poetry Film Competitions and Festivals

Technology has transformed the ability of poets to disseminate their words orally and aurally. Many journals feature audio versions of poems on their websites. Podcasts allow writers to reach ears around the world through their MP3 player earbuds. Recent years have seen the proliferation of video “t ...

European Clan Mothers

Many people know that I am a daughter of Clan Ursula (belonging to genetic maternal haplogroup U5b). The oldest extant European-specific motherline among modern humans, mtHg U is one of 7 European genetic maternal lines. If your motherline is of European descent, you belong to one of these 7 primary ...

Central Greece

Hello everyone After a couple of days chilling on the beach and taking a dip in the sea, we headed west along the coast. We had travelled along the modern A2 road – from here sections of the ancient Roman Road are visible and still in remarkably good condition. We decided to visit Halkidhikí – our g ...

Shane Obata; Same Shit, Different PIIGS

Desperate governments call for desperate measures. Unfortunately for us, citizens often end up paying for the mistakes of their governments. That’s not how it should be but, sometimes, that’s how it is. If and a when a government is no longer able to meet its obligations, capital controls, broad wea ...

Court Orders Temporary Suspension of Sunday Opening in Retail Sector

The Greek Council of State plenum on Thursday agreed to temporarily suspend measures allowing shops to open on Sunday, granting a petition submitted by retailers, traders and private employee unions. This means that shops will be barred from opening on Sunday until the Greece ‘s Council of State ple ...

[EU - Border control - Death of migrants] Der Spiegel - Europe's Deadly Borders: An Inside Look at EU's Shameful Immigration Policy

The EU is doing all it can to keep out refugees. Along the frontiers between Spain and Morocco, Greece and Turkey and Hungary and Serbia, the EU is deploying brutal methods to keep out undesired refugees. Many risk everything for a future in Europe and their odysseys too often end in death. Green do ...


Dovolenka v Grécku- to ste si už mohli vyvodiť z názvu článku/postu. Tento post bude trošku odlišný od tých, na ktoré ste pri mne zvyknutí. Tentokrát to nebude post s 3 riadkami textu a pár fotkami outfitu, dnes sa chcem viac rozpísať a podeliť sa s vami o svoje zážitky, ktoré možno nie sú nijak sve ...

Unemployment Scam

Fiddling the figures Michael Wilshaw, the clownish head of Ofsted, launched an attack on the young unemployed because they do not dress properly or have little sense of time-keeping. Young people eh? Nothing like an overpaid, over-risen, over-publicised tosser for making sweeping generalisations abo ...

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