Sunday, September 14, 2014

«Ετσι εκτελέσαμε την Ελλάδα»... Ενας «οικονομικός δολοφόνος» ομολογεί...!!!

«Ετσι εκτελέσαμε την Ελλάδα»... Ενας «οικονομικός δολοφόνος» ομολογεί...!!!

Πως η Ελλάδα και άλλες χώρες της ευρωζώνης έγιναν τα θύματα «οικονομικών δολοφόνων» και παγιδεύτηκαν στον φαύλο κύκλο του χρέους; Ένας πρώην «οικονομικός δολοφόνος», ο Τζον Πέρκινς, περιγράφει το ... πώς η χώρα μας μπήκε στο στόχαστρο των διεθνών τοκογλύφων πολύ πριν ξεκινήσει η οικονομική κρίση με ...

Day 3: Santorini, Greece 2014 Part I

We started our morning with breakfast at the basement of Central Fira Hotel. Selections of food was much lesser compared to Belvedere. The mission for morning was to find national dessert, Baklava & Red Beach. We managed to accomplish the first mission at a bakery store. Bret was fascinated by the h ...


I'm back from the latest (and probably my last) EYP conference that was held in santralistanbul, which also happens to be my university; and it was truly a splendid five days for me. I've met so many amazing people all across Europe (including the UK, Serbia, Kosovo, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, ...

Greece National Championship - Athens 23 Nov 2014

I have been to … Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, and Gibraltar

Sunday 24th June 2014: Southampton As it was the August Bank Holiday weekend we decided to set off as early as possible in order to avoid any possible delays to our journey. We set the alarm clock to wake us at 6.00am, and after getting dressed, eating breakfast, and loading the luggage into the car ...

An Economic Hit Man Speaks Out: John Perkins on How Greece Has Fallen Victim to "Economic Hit Men"

Editorial comment: John Perkins, the former 'economic hit man' explains how we are being manipulated by the vultures in the world we live in. Not only about Greece, but about Ecuador and Rafael Correa, Europe, IMF, foreclosures on houses and the entire ...

Lagarde: Talking About Greece and its Taxes Got me Death Threats

During an interview with the Financial Times, IMF chief Christine Lagarde talked about all major financial and political issues in China, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. However, when asked about Greece, she appeared hasty to move to other subjects.

Troika demands further austerity in Greece

Greek government officials and representatives from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Commission and European Central Bank “troika”, concluded talks September 3 in Paris. The talks were organised ahead of a full sixth review of Greece’s ...

Why Internal Devaluation is Not Leading to Export-Led Growth in Greece

While all labor cost and competitiveness indexes somehow reflect the fall of employee compensation in Greece, reflecting the success of the Troika policy to internally devalue incomes, the revival of export-led growth anticipated by the Troika has, so far ...

Greece sues Lloyd's of London over Pignato case

Insurers Lloyd's of London is refusing to pay the town of Greece's legal fees and potential damages related to two lawsuits filed over alleged sexual assaults committed by a former police officer. The town filed suit late last month in state Supreme Court ...

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