Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Greece lawsuit against Lloyd's of London moves to federal court

Greece lawsuit against Lloyd's of London moves to federal court

The town of Greece’s attempt to force a reluctant insurance carrier to pay for the town’s legal costs in cases involving a former town police officer accused of sexually abusing women has been kicked into federal court. Underwriters at Lloyd’s ...

Ex-Greece cop appears in court

A former Greece police officer accused of possessing and distributing child pornography will next appear in federal court in November. John Casey III was criminally charged earlier this month and arrested last week in Iowa. During a brief hearing Monday ...

Travel to Greece and Turkey with Ohlone College

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to walk in the steps of Homer, Agamemnon, Achilles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St. Paul, Constantine, and numerous other historical and mythological figures, in the birthplace of Western Civilization itself.

Bishop Amvrosios Against Jihadists

Resistance to jihad terror and Islamic supremacism is being criminalized in Greece, claims the website Jihadwatch.org. According to the site, which quotes the sermon of a prominent Greek bishop, Islamic supremacists cannily use charges of “racism” to demonize and marginalize all those who oppose the ...

Eight migrants die every day trying to reach richer countries, study reveals/EKΘΕΣΗ ΣΟΚ ΤΟΥ ΙΜΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΤΑΞΙΔΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΘΑΝΑΤΟΥ ΤΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΝΑΣΤΩΝ ΣΕ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟ ΕΠΙΠΕΔΟ

Research into migrant deaths in Europe shows 22,000 missing, presumed dead, in past 14 years – more than half the global total Peter Beaumont The Guardian, Monday 29 September 2014 A survivor from a sinking off Greece in May. Most European migrant deaths came in attempts to cross the Mediterranean. ...

German Company is Top Tax Evader in Greece

A German company was found to be the biggest tax evader in Greece. A court in Athens found that Hochtief, the German company that was running the “Eleftherios Venizelos” Athens International airport was not paying VAT for 20 years. It is estimated that Hochtief, will have to pay more than 500 millio ...

Greece Tries to “Escape from Bailout”

Greek Government Worried About Its Survival Antonis Samaras has a problem: just as the relatively tough austerity medicine Greece was forced to take seems to be beginning to bear some fruit (Greece is the one euro area country where nominal government spending has indeed declined significantly), his ...

Costa Rica: Incendiary Attack at Butcher Shop in Cartago

anonymous communiqué / Anarchist News Various cells have initiated a series of small acts of sabotage in Costa Rica for months now, yet we really didn’t expect that our action would have such a strong impact. It is the first action of this type in this filthy country in many, many years… For this re ...

Eat a Greek Salad in Greece

I have eaten plenty of versions on an Americanized Greek Salad where the ingredients were mixed in, or layer on top of, an assortment of leafy greens. And they were pretty delicious. But, it wasn’t until actually traveling to Greece that I was introduced to the traditional rendition of this dish. An ...

Angela Merkel’s Greek Assistant

A Greek woman always remains close to Angela Merkel‘s side during official state visits to Greece. Her name is Maria Stavraka, and she has become the German chancellor’s virtual “shadow” during her years of negotiating with Greek officials. Maria Stavraka is Merkel’s interpreter. She speaks English, ...

The Upcoming Troika Negotiations: A Case of Hot Potatoes?

The Troika’s upcoming evaluation of Greece’s financial recovery will include a helping of “hot potatoes” for the Greek government – that is to say, the need to address heated topics such as retirement age, public sector layoffs and health care costs. Today, a meeting at the Maximos Mansion between G ...

Несколько фотографий Родоса

А для желающих узнать Родос получше, конечно надо ехать! Однако чтобы узнать остров по настоящему, необходимо посетить все его угодки, а чтобы узнать обэтих уголка, посетити Туристер http://www.tourister.ru/world/europe/greece/region/rhodes/placeofinterest Там можно найти море информации и спланиров ...

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