Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Greece: one in two businesses evading taxes, says report

Greece: one in two businesses evading taxes, says report

(ANSAmed) - ATHENS, SEPTEMBER 9 - One in two businesses inspected in Greece by the Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE) in the period from January to June was found to be evading paying taxes, as daily Kathimerini online reports quoting a report from SDOE ...

Poll: People around the globe sour on economic recovery

Think the economic recovery isn't going so well? You're not alone. Article by Alan Gomez, USA TODAY A 44-country survey shows that 60% of people say their own country's economy performs poorly, and 69% say it's headed in the wrong direction, according to a Pew Research Center report released Tuesday ...

Analysis of the response of Sridharan

On a friendly advice of Sanjeev, I read the rejoinder of Sridharan to my earlier write-up. On prima facie look I find that its mode and style has revealed his true colors. It is an apt demonstration of how one’s academic training could be misused to serve a dubious cause. His retaliation seems to be ...

Regency Personalities Series-Thomas Bruce 7th Earl of Elgin

Regency Personalities Series In my attempts to provide us with the details of the Regency, today I continue with one of the many period notables. Thomas Bruce 7th Earl of Elgin 20 July 1766 – 14 November 1841 Thomas Bruce Elgin was born in Broomhall, Fife, the second son of Charles Bruce, 5th Earl o ...

Survivors of 1999 Athens Earthquake Still Living in Prefab Homes

Fifteen years ago, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake shook the Parnitha region in Attica, Greece. It was one of the largest and deadliest earthquakes to hit Greece in the last 50 years. According to authorities, almost 150 people were killed, 700 injured and 40,000 lost their homes. Damages were estimated ...

Antichrist nu va fi un Arab, chiar dacă se începe cu litera ,,A“ !

Nu vreau să intru în nici o polemică de teologie cu John MacArthur, care mi-a fost profesor câțiva ani. Nu evoluăm la același nivel teologic. El este unul din marii teologi ai acestei generații. Vă las însă în compania unui studiu care poate polemiza cu John MacArthur. Voi fiți arbitri care veți dec ...


Hi, I’m Apple… …and I’m Ginger. Hope you enjoyed the wedding last week. We did. If you’re wondering why we aren’t on our honeymoon, we’re going to have it later. Not a euphanism. We’re going to have our honeymoon when we get our breath back. Also not a euphanism. When we’ve made our mind up where we ...

An investigative (or exact) doubter

An investigative (or exact) doubter is one who questions convictions on the premise of exploratory comprehension. Most researchers, being investigative doubters, test the unwavering quality of specific sorts of cases by subjecting them to an efficient examination utilizing some manifestation of the ...

Europe Takes the QE Baton

By John Mauldin If the wide, wide world of investing doesn’t seem a little strange to you these days, it can only be because you’re not paying attention. If you’re paying attention, strange really isn’t the word you’re probably using in your day-to-day investing conversations; it may be more like we ...

Laura Ivanova Photography | Film Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer In Minneapolis & New York City »

METEORA, GREECE Laura Ivanova Photography | FILM WEDDING & LIFESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHER IN MINNEAPOLIS & NEW YORK CITY – [] trip was part of a month long adventure in Bulgaria, Turkey and [] Nicki – I LOVE your travel work. These images are gorgeous Laura! I love Istanbul so very much. Emilia Jane – I mus ...

Albania - Part 1 - Durres

A couple of years ago, actually in 2009, some friends and I joined an interesting group of people. Their main goal was to rediscover and walk along the ancient Roman road Via Egnatia. Centuries ago the road was one of the main roads in Europe – it connected Durres (then Dyrrachium) in Albania and Is ...

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