Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hardouvelis to Table 2015 Draft Budget on Oct. 6

Hardouvelis to Table 2015 Draft Budget on Oct. 6

The Greek Parliament concludes its summer recess sessions this week and launches the new period for the Regular Plenary Session on Monday. On Monday, October 6, Greece’s Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis will table the 2015 draft budget in Parliament. According to the Parliament’s standing orders, ...

A Day Of Global Economic Disappointments Is Just What The Stock Ramp Algo Ordered

It has been a night of relentless and pervasive disappointing economic data from just about every point on the globe: first the Chinese HSBC manufacturing data was well short of expectations (50.2 vs. Exp. 50.5), which was promptly spun as bullish and a reason for more stimulus by the PBOC even thou ...

FT: Greece Will Miss Deadline For Reporting Revised Deficit Figures

“Greece will miss today’s European Commission deadline for reporting revised budget deficit figures for the past two decades, preserving a mystery about the degree to which Athens fudged official statistics in order to join the euro,” reads a recent Financial Times report. “ELSTAT, Greece’s independ ...

Seaplanes Gearing up for Amphipolis Tourist Market

The Port Authority of Amphipolis is considering allowing seaplane bases to operate in its quaint harbor, new reports emerge. The announcement follows a spark in interest by seaplane companies to add the northern Greek destination to their regular route schedule. An unnamed company has reportedly iss ...

Culture Days of Uzbekistan take place in Greece

A colorful festival "Days of Uzbek Culture in Greece" was held in Athens, which was attended by figures of culture, businessmen, representatives of the diplomatic corps, reports the Uzbek Foreign Ministry's news agency Jahon. The guests were offered a ...

Town of Greece to hold Family Halloween Party

The Greece Community and Senior Center will hold its "Family Halloween Party" on Friday October 24 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The party will include a spook house, games, crafts, DJ “Rockin Rick” for dancing and Pizza. The fee for this event is $2 per child ...

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