Friday, September 26, 2014

My tweets

My tweets

Thu, 16:04: Want to visit them all 29 Places You Won’t Believe Are In The UK via @ ailbhetross @ buzzfeed Thu, 17:09: BBC News - Greece's most wanted man who gives to the poor Thu, 17:09: BBC News - Bin lorry CCTV reveals impatient drivers ...

Swedish Journalist’s Account of the Crisis

“Stolen Spring,” a new account of the eurocrisis by Swedish journalist Kajsa Ekis Ekman, hits Greek bookstores today. “Stolen Spring” describes the eurocrisis as Ekman experienced it while visiting Athens at the height of the current economic recession. She explores the way the economic crisis has i ...

The craziest manager rants

Goal looks at 10 classic moments when those in charge have lost their temper and flung abuse at journalists, fellow coaches, referees, players or even entire clubs Football management is not a job for the weak-willed or faint-hearted. Stack together a few defeats and all of a sudden journalists are ...

Barcelona Wins Bloomberg 2014 Mayors Challenge

Bloomberg Philanthropies has awarded its 2014 Mayors Challenge to Barcelona, selecting its plan to deal with the problems of an ageing population over the proposals of 20 other European cities shortlisted earlier this year. The award, developed to promote the most creative and transferable solutions ...

A weekend of cheerleading

This weekend is our long weekend in Glasgow so we have today (Friday) and Monday off. Today we are heading up to Inverness. We are going the scenic route via Fort William. I’m not long back from a steady run round my favourite loop round Paisley. I’m really pleased with how I’m recovering from last ...

Greece 2014

Matthias Kraschitzer freestyle in Greece

Greek Woman Allegedly Buried Alive by Accident

AP – Police in northern Greece are investigating a cemetery worker’s testimony that a woman revived in her grave shortly after being buried and called for help, only to die before she could be extracted. Police officials say the man and two people visiting the cemetery said they heard banging and a ...

Greece is the only EU country without guaranteed minimum income, report finds

‘Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime’ – Aristotle. Graffiti in the Exarchia district of Athens (Photo: aestheticsofcrisis/Flickr) Greece is the only EU country not to have implemented a guaranteed minimum income and is among the most sluggish in adopting programmes to address social inequa ...

Tips for Wire Wrapping a Cameo

by Judy Ellis, Wire Jewelry Making tip for September 26, 2014 Tips for Wire Wrapping a Cameo We have so many great tips on our blog that sometimes it hard to choose what to tell you about – but today I ‘d like to answer a question from one of our subscribers. Question: I would lik ...

[Ticker] IMF: Greece has not asked to leave bailout

Greece has not asked to leave its EU/IMF bailout early, the IMF's spokesman said Thursday. "There's been no such request at this point," Gerry Rice told reporters. Greece's bailout is scheduled to last until 2016 but politicians have raised the prospect of an early exit as the economy gains strength ...

Greece busy with construction, new retail

Greece busy with construction, new retail Solar energy facility is linchpin of projected growth; 20 other projects also in progress. Check out this story on

Buried alive in Greece?

Police in northern Greece are investigating a cemetery worker's testimony that a woman revived in her grave shortly after being buried and called for help, only to die before she could be extracted. Police officials say the man and two people visiting the ...

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