Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of the Great Image: The Insight of Daniel (Part VIII)

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream of the Great Image: The Insight of Daniel (Part VIII)

"Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron a ...

Foreign trade from January to July was 7.085 billion USD

In the period January – July 2014, trade between Macedonia and abroad is 7,085,005,000 USD. The total value of exported goods from Macedonia in that period is 2.834.158.000 USD and the import 4,250,247,000 USD. Import coverage by export was 66.7%. State Office for Statistics today announced that tra ...

Things i wanna do before my teenage years are over

I have to tell you this before i start- im a great procrastinator and i think too much. Thinking (again), im already 17 this year and 3 years down the road im a fucking 20 year old woman holy shit then it struck me- do it now, this life im living now isnt a rehearsal so im gonna take down some thing ...


Magnitude mb 4.6 Region IONIAN SEA Date time 2014-09-07 09:56:28.0 UTC Location 37.65 N ; 19.89 E Depth 30 km Distances 339 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 12:56:28.0 2014-09-07 175 km W of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 12:56:28.0 2014-09-07 79 km SW of Argostólion, ...


Ο Cashmere Wright (9/1/1990, 1μ83) είναι το δεύτερο απόκτημα της ομάδας μπάσκετ . Κι αυτός όπως και ο Kyles, ...αυτοανακοίνωσε τη συμφωνία μέσα από το Facebook Cashmere Wright 21 hours ago · Edited Patience Is Truly A Virtue! #trulyblessed to say I will be Playing in Greece This Year!! #aekathens Go ...

Varanasi- A glimpse of India’s rich civilization (The Ganga ,Temples, Ghats, Food and Festival )- Part 1

Varanasi- A glimpse of India’s rich civilization (The Ganga ,Temples, Ghats, Food and Festival )- Part 1 Let me introduce you to Varanasi today – Brace yourself. You’re about to enter in one of the most colorful, crowded , religious, chaotic , oldest inhabited cities of the world.Varanasi also known ...

June 30, 1964 The Letter from Istanbul

Dear Mother & Daddy, "We are in Istanbul, Turkey today. We anchored here about 2:30 this afternoon & have spent the afternoon walking thru the covered bazaar. It is a fantastic place. There are 5000 shops in one spot and I have never seen so much gold jewelry in my life. Bob bought an ivory and ebon ...

CC3 Challenge #10 - Assemblage Clock

Well - it took me a while to get this project done - first to figure out what I wanted to do - and then to do it! I made this for the latest Compendium of Curiosities 3 Challenge - which is to go to page 33 of Tim Holtz Compendium of Curiosities Vol 3 which is to decorate an Assemblage Clock. This t ...

07/09/14-Soccer Bets

Just done with todays bets Euro 2016 qualifiers kicks off today. Also lot of nordic games today … good for inplays . Actually was confused between Real Betis & Greece for super single ….but as real betis game kick off is to early i will be going with greece * TOP TREBLE Sao Paulo Tondela Yennisey Tr ...

Went to MATTA Fair today and chosen Jogjakarta for my next CNY trip.

It’s the time of the year again to visit the MATTA (Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents) Fair, a twice-in-a-year fair very much suitable for people wishing to travel within or outside Malaysia in the next couple of months where tour packages have already been formed. This fair gave you t ...

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