Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Ο Σύλλογος Ατόμων με Σκλήρυνση Κατά Πλάκας στο φετινό RUN GREECE Καστοριά (φωτο)

Ο Σύλλογος Ατόμων με Σκλήρυνση Κατά Πλάκας στο φετινό RUN GREECE Καστοριά (φωτο)

Ο Σύλλογος Ατόμων με Σκλήρυνση Κατά Πλάκας είναι η εθελοντική ομάδα που ανέλαβε το χώρο του ιματισμού στο φετινό RUN GREECE. Ευχαριστούμε τους διοργανωτές για την εμπιστοσύνη τους. Ήταν μία υπέροχη εμπειρία και υποσχόμαστε ότι και του χρόνου θα δώσουμε το παρόν.

Reichenbach Says SMEs Are Key To Greece’s Recovery

On Tuesday, the head of the European Commission’s Task Force for Greece, Horst Reichenbach, presented a report on small and medium-sized enterprises, stressing that these were key to the country’s economic recovery. “The economy will suffer if SMEs are unable to thrive in this country and, therefore ...

Venizelos Optimistic That No Snap Elections Will Be Needed In Greece

Greece’s coalition government may propose a “non-political figure” for president in March to seek consensus and avoid snap elections that could derail its economic progress, Deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos told Reuters in New York. “Although the Greek president’s role is largely ceremonial ...

When you've got nothing nice to say.. You should probably just say something not nice.

kinda glad something happened with the waves. woulda been lost in the I shouldna gone swimming. Sharks of…but here I am hours later. Reading articles and watching god knows what why am I not sleeping?? Top 4 countries in the world with the best sex lives Brazil Sweden Greece Israel. What the fuck? W ...

Does Greece Overtax its Businesses?

As the Greek government negotiates with international lenders for a fresh tax relief program, a new international survey argues that Greece has just opened up a fresh “financial wound” by raising corporate tax rates. Other debt-ridden countries – Portugal, for example – have reduced their corporate ...

80 Pieces of Silver Repatriated

Another repatriation of ancient artifacts is to be added in the long list of international police operations which have led to combating illicit trade of cultural goods. This time, the news comes from Italy. The Italian Ministry of Culture will return to Greece a total of 80 ancient coins, dated bet ...

Greece: A tougher climate for press freedom

Freedom of information and media’s role as a “watchdog” has deteriorated in Greece over the past six to seven years, as a result of the economic crisis and the fiscal agreements signed by the Greek government. Marilena Katsimi, journalist and ...

Turkish Cypriot official dismisses Cyprus-Greece pipeline

On Friday, Greek Cypriot Environment and Energy Minister Yanis Maniatis was quoted in the local press indicating that research on the feasibility of an 'Eastern Mediterranean Pipeline' from Cyprus to Greece would soon commence. Turkish Cypriot negotiator ...

Does Greece Overtax its Businesses?

As the Greek government negotiates with international lenders for a fresh tax relief program, a new international survey argues that Greece has just opened up a fresh “financial wound” by raising corporate tax rates. Other debt-ridden countries ...


Syrian survivor Doaa Al Zamel talks to AFP on September 17, 2014 in an appartment at the port town of Chania on the southern Greek island of Crete. Doaa Al Zamel is one of just 10 survivors of Europe’s deadliest migrant shipwreck, caused when traffickers ...

2014 World Cup Of Pool Update (Day 1): Finland Blanks Korea, Greece Edges Indonesia To Advance To Round Of 16

Top and higher seeds Philippines (no. 1), Finland (no. 8) and Greece (no. 13) took care of business in the Round of 32 of the 2014 World Cup of Pool beating separate opponents on opening day of the tournament held at the Mountbatten Centre in Portsmouth ...

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