Saturday, February 21, 2009

Can a english only speaking person live in greece or italy

Can a english only speaking person live in greece or italy?
I only speak english,,but thought about living in another country one day,,if someone picked greece or italy, how do you think that would work out? enough english spoken there to actually make it ok? Paris?
Greece - 15 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
English is pretty much a world wide language. No matter where you are at, they know at least a bit of english. In a way, it is part of life, so living else where would okay, but you can also look at this in a give or take situation. Since they know a little of english maybe you should take some time and learn their language, even if its only a little bit. In that way, you can relate to them; they arent fluent in english and you arent fluent in the language that they speak. There are other options. For example, you can live with a roommate or friend that is bilingual in english and the language of a country you want to live in. That way, it would be easier with the help of that friend or roommate.
2 :
Yes, both, in my cuntry though not meny peoples speak inglish.
3 :
Yes definitely.. English is known everywhere.
4 :
In Greece, English is like a second language to most of the Greeks, everybody learns it at school, at private tutoring school and speaks almost great English. In Italy most people don't know English and the people who speak a little bit won't speak in front of you. I was in Italy, asked for a bottle of water and they answered in italian saying: gazatto ou minerale?. I hated that.
5 :
You could learn the local language enough to be able to talk to the locals, you know. It's not hard.
6 :
If you plan to work in either Greece or Italy you need a working knowledge of the local language. Not practical otherwise. Now if you're planning your retirement that's a different matter. There are ex-pats retired all over Europe. If Greece is a serious possibility then add Cyprus to your list as here almost everybody speaks English. (Okay the Bulgarian waiter might be a bit weak) but that's about it. Forget Paris. Even if the French can speak English they have yet to forgive us for Agincourt. Ian
7 :
Ies. in Hellass wi oll speek Inglish vell. Even wi are not wery educated wi learn Inglish in the streets, "going" with foreegn tourists. Ask for Zoufi, real Greek horiatikh (non shaved).
8 :
Beware! Genocide in Former Yugoslav! The pain is finally over! Marmango will stay in FYROM (Former Yugoslav) as National Dance!
9 :
hello I'm italian, and i'll tell u the truth ur life here wont be easy... really few people speak english here.. so idk, u should learn italian before to come here ok ^^ bye
10 :
if you live in a large city in greece, most people will speak english... only exception really might be old people i would at least try to learn a little greek before you get there so while youre there you can keep building on to what you already know and in no time you will become fluent ;) is a great free website to learn greek and other languages
11 :
I am an English speaker who has been trying to learn Greek for 3 years. I certainly could get by in English (I'm one of those retirees someone mentioned) but I have found that attempting to speak/learn Greek has itself been a source of incredible warmth and friendship.
12 :
We don't have a civil war, just riots. Only three-four death people during the night, one or two during the day-time. Come, here is very safe. Spend some money here.
13 :
Most people in Europe know either very good enlglish, or the they know atleast the basics. You'll be fine, people will understand you and you will understand them.
14 :
The Italian education system is not adequate when it comes to teaching English. That's what I've read, anyway. It seems like not enough Italians speak English well enough to help you (when you need help, and inevitably you will). You would have to learn Italian. I don't know about Greece.
15 :
Depends on where you'll be living and what your occupation is.. I'd say you can only live to Athens but it will be hard for you to adapt as many merchants do not speak english (Note: Hard is not impossible). And I would be interested to learn what your job is because if you are a Merchant or want to open any kind of store/company here you'll definitely have to hire someone to work with you (as a translator or just be the sales man). But other than that you'll be fine to stay here as all the *good* restaurants have Perfect-English speaking staff and most clubs too..

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