Saturday, February 14, 2009

What are the best places to live in Greece on an economic and aesthetic basis

What are the best places to live in Greece on an economic and aesthetic basis?
hey!! So after graduating university i was contemplating moving to Europe (well not contemplating..but i've decided to move to Europe) and i've decided on Greece. I am not a Greek native nor have i been there, but Greeks are very similar to my people(Yugoslavs), their food and women are both wonderful and on an architectural basis; there are few better. So to the natives: what would you recommend to a English and Psychology graduate in regards to moving to Greece... thanks for the help!
Greece - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you want to live in a big city, on an economic basis i would say Athens (better and more jobs with higher salary). On an aesthetic basis i would say Thessaloniki. For smaller cities i suggest Kavala, Larissa, Volos, Ioannina. For islands, Crete, Corfu, Evia and Rhodes.
2 :
A basic prerequisite is to know some Greek, enough to get you by on every day exchanges with locals. Not that you will meet much difficulty with your English but it's always better to be able to communicate in the local language. Your decision to move to Greece is a good choice,since most Yugoslavs are welcomed here, especially, even more so if you are Serb. Serbs, are more than the rest alike Greeks on account of the same religious and historical background. On this account, Corfu is ideal for Serbs because of the specials bonds that exist among Corfiots and Serbs for many years back, plus that is a reasonably large Serb community on the Island. Regarding to job opportunities and in conjunction to your academic qualifications the best I can think of is something related to travel businesses. For that, a good start will be if you get in touch with some firms in your country. Teaching privately may be a possibility that can not be overlooked but most people prefer native English speaking tutors that are in abundance here. However, the main problem will be acquiring a visa for permanent stay.The embassies usually issue a 90 day visiting visa for tourists. Renewal of that is a difficult job. I would suggest that you visit the country on a trial basis and look around for any possible opportunities that you may feel able to take on.

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