Sunday, June 21, 2009

Is there anyone who is not a Mal akas live in Greece

Is there anyone who is not a Mal akas live in Greece?
One hears the word CONSTANTLY and repetitiously. What does it indicate? That there are many of them in Greece? That all Greeks are?
Greece - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sorry I can,t help you Don't no.
2 :
- What does the word malaka mean in english? "Malaka" means "wanker" in English, as in "someone who masturbates." Often used to mean prick, dickhead, punk, etc.: (Quelle: - The truth is that this next sentence won't mean much to most people, but, anyway, just keep saying it, MALAKA! - The word malakas derives from the ancient Greek word "malthakos", which means "spoilt, well-used to luxuries of life". In modern Greek, the word malakas is used metaphorically in everyday speech to define the individual that uses no common sense, who instead repeats the same mistakes many times over, while maintaining an attitude of self-righteousness. Malakas can also be used in a variety of ways, in modern Greek, according to the circumstance and the way the word is stressed: In a phrase such as "Poor malakas", it is used affectionately. In a vulgar form it literally means "wanker". Surprisingly though, its main everyday use is as a vocative form of displaying one's befriending: "Yassou re malaka!" (in the same way that Australians use the word "bastard" and the British use the word "mate").
3 :
There are millions of malakes ! not just in Greece, all over the world ! malakas people took over the world ! death to malakia !
4 :
I am greek so I can tell you. Malakas means a idiot, stupid, mean you know. Most teenagers call each other that just because. I am not a malakas.
5 :
once a tourist went back to her country:she said:very beautiful country Greece, but...all the people have the same name...they call each other malakas...hehehehehe.... Yes indeed, but I think sometimes with these things we base our level as a country...But go to Italy....the only word you will hear is cazzo and stronzo....who speaks italian will understand what it is...
6 :
It's an insulting term, equivalent to 'jerk off' or a 'wanker'. Although, Greeks take it much more seriously and you can get into a lot of trouble if you call someone that.
7 :
Jonathan seems to have made a whole research and I'm with you buddy!!I also agree with my sweet Spartan.He is a good boy deep deep inside.I can feel it!!!Spartan,you rule.I am Maniatissa. I won't really agree with Tamara.It depends on who you are refering to at that time and in what way."Yassou re malaka",usually indicates a friendly approach between male mates.So a ctiterion to find out if it's offensively used or not is to check if it's spoken between friends or unfamiliar people.
8 :
lol that was my first "bad" word learned in Greece.....Zoe used it talking about a taxi also learned when not to use it when there...but sure comes in handy here in the states to call somone malaka knowing they don't know what I mean and can't use an American term...

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