Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Question for Greeks that live out of Greece

Question for Greeks that live out of Greece?
if you could( i mean if you could get a job in Greece) would you like to come to live in Greece or not? and why?or why not?
Greece - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I've never been to Greece, and have always wanted to visit my homeland. Getting a job there would be a wonderful opportunity, which I would consider taking once I finish school. It would be hard living there without my family, though. I do have some extended family members in Greece I have never met, that would probably welcome me into their home. To answer your question, I suppose it depends on the timing and the job.
2 :
I was born in Greece and moved to the US when I was 14. I love the US so much better then Greece I travel back from time to time to see my family though. Greece is beautiful but the shops and things to do are VERY limited their. Historic and the ocean get boring after a period of time. Its very old fashioned and the good thing is everyone knows you. So i would say no but its up to you. If your very humble and old fashion family sorta person its great.
3 :
Yes, I would love to come back and work in Greece......but...I would never make the salary I make here in the US working as a professional. Besides, my kids are old enough to want to stay in the US. In response to another reader's opinion who moved very young from Greece, I think Greece is a very modern country (excluding some small isolated villages) more so than some European neighbors. As for things to do in Greece there is plenty, not only the ocean and the "historic" things but cultural events, theater, concerts etc that Greeks enjoy many times free of charge Ahhhh, I miss the open concerts in the summer!!!!
4 :
i'm still studying but i'd love to go back and live in greece...
5 :
if the euro depreciates and i can get more euro for my dollar!!
6 :
Hey its you! I wanna thank you so much for helpin me find this song. Very greatful thank you! Now for your question, I lived in greece for 12 years and it is a wonderful place but, America is just such a complete place to live you know? If i had a job there, would i live there? I dont think i would. The only reason i would go and live there if i wanted to start my life over and just leave and go where it all started for me, which is Rhodes, greece. But, im living a happy life here so i have no reason to drop everything here and take of to Greece for good. But very interesting question though :)
7 :
not an easy decision to make. ideally i would think i would under the proper circumstances....mainly, if i had the opportunity to make the same amount of money i make here in the US...then i would. i am planning to live there when i retire in many many years though. :) the US does have many things that greece does not and you become spolied by them....for example, 500 channels on your tv, big open roads where u can drive fast and far, and also a much higher standard of living. but on the other side, the quality of life is much worse here...much more stress, and (the most important thing to me) people are no way as nice and 'real' as they are in GR.
8 :
It is hard to let the country you are livin,your birthplace, friends ,apart from the job you have or you can get and go to Greece.(Forever). Of course the Lifestyle (Quality of life) in Greece is much much better in comparison with other country's, you have what you wish in Greece first of healthy food, Mare, Mountains ,Fresh Air , and I don't mean in Athens there its so much worst as Abroad from the smog except Piraeus, and not at least you have good company in Greece.
9 :
I was offered a job in Greece but did not take it.After thinking long and hard i figured that if one is to have a family Greece is a much harder place than Australia or the US . On the other hand i Will definitely retire on my villa on a Greek island one day!
10 :
why not?
11 :
good question I presently live in greece for 10 years and moved here from canada. Financially I am making more and easier than what I use to make in canada. I also know people who moved here from canada and australia (professionals) working for big international firms and who are now making much higher salaries in greece than what they use to get back home (at least in canada ), while also enjoying the outdoor life of greece. I know it sounds strange but its true. I have also meat many people who came here and just could not relate to greece and to the way things are done here so they had to move back. When visiting canada this last may , many of my friends were so into their work, that I guess they have forgotten what its like to enjoy a little life too, and also see how things are done elsewhere and benefit from the better things of both places. Some of them were at the same old jobs doing the same things, putting hundreds of hours weekly into their work, and their entertainment budgets were not that great at all, if you compair it to the euro spending budget. Even workers mechanics waiters cooks ect..(not proffessinals) entering retierement with around 1000 cnd as an average pention nowdays are living back home near the poverty levels. Mind you its not different in greece there are many people here near the poverty levels too, however they need less to live as the weather is better and a simple walk at the beach can give you mush joy and its free. As for space if you think of greece as province of the EU, there is pleanty of space to drive around, and many different things to experience from. So I guess its all about who can adapt to change better and faster, as these people will always be on the top, greeks or non greeks. stefanos

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