Thursday, October 1, 2009

im an American Citizen and i live in greece, and now the greek army is making me join

im an American Citizen and i live in greece, and now the greek army is making me join?
but i don't want to join what should i do? should i go to the American embassy to straighten it out?
Military - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 :
lmao this is sparta. A\nd yes
3 :
I'm pretty sure Spartans weren't Greek but thracian
4 :
If you have proof of Citizenship, this should be a no brainer. Yes, call the embassy ASAP.
5 :
"Eat a hearty breakfast men, because tonight we dine in hell!
6 :
Dual citizenship rocks! Until the other country tries to make you do something you don't want to... Go to the US Embassy with proof of citizenship (US passport would work) and see what they can do. It could mean that you have to renounce Greek citizenship. And for the other poster, Sparta was located in the south of the peninsula. Thrace was to the north of Greece.
7 :
I don't know if Greece has dual citizenship but if you are a dual citizen you will probably have to comply. If that's not the case however they cannot force you to join. Yes, you should visit the American embassy and complain.
8 :
If you are a legal resident of Greece then all I can say try to enjoy your time in the Greek Army. A Army buddies uncle got drafted into the US Army while living here in the early 50's. He joined the Marines to avoid the Army. He them moved back to England....and his USMC tat on his right bicep got him in more than one fight. In 1975 a guy in my unit (dual US/French) had to go to France (a short train ride from where we were) with a JAG to denounce his French citizenship and have the Interpol arrest warrant dropped. I should note he had been in the US Army at least 6 years at the point he was aware of them looking for him. Are you also registeered with US Selective Service? You may want to look into that too. You might want to come back. Failure to do it if required will not help you come here. looky looky you do need to be registered here as well. Welcome to adulthood kid! SSG US Army 73-82
9 :
this is madness !!
10 :
The only way Greece can make you join is you are also a Greek citizen or you apply for naturalization. I suggest you get down to the US Embassy with your US passport ASAP and get it straightened up. (If you are a citizen of Greece or have applied for naturalization then your only choice is going to be to get drafted or get out of Greece. The US Embassy can not help you with that.)
11 :
Are you an American Citizen or do you have dual citizenship with Greece? There is a difference. If you have dual citizenship then you must renounce your claim to Greek citizenship and claim exemption based on being an American. Go to the American Embassy and speak with the consular section. Part of their duty is assisting "Americans in Distress".

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