Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why people in america hate so much justin bieber

Why people in america hate so much justin bieber?
i live in greece and here people like him but i am into internet a lot and i know many things that happens in america and i have read many bad things about him.can someone explain it to me?
Polls & Surveys - 21 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Hes from Canada
3 :
*googling who the hell is justin bieber*
4 :
its not just america, there's lots of anti-fans everywhere, and there will be lots of fans in america as well as anti-fans
5 :
Maybe because he has all the girls and every girls phone that a guy checks it has justin beiber as her wallpaper
6 :
Maybe they're jealous?
7 :
they dont like his music
8 :
Honestly, i don't think he has any talent. His songs sucks. He might be cute, but not talented. His fans are mostly teen girls and they love him because he is cute.
9 :
People are like that, some are total fans and others don't like his style or just get tired of hearing how great someone else thinks he is so they become "haters." Gotta love freedom of speech.
10 :
because of this ..he is stupid and a loser!
11 :
You can see people who hate him everywhere. It's not special for the US.
12 :
His songs suck he's what 16 and cries about losing the love of his life, NO ONE CARES get over it
13 :
He sounds like a girl
14 :
hes ugly, has NO talent, ugly, looks like a girl, ugly, sings like a girl, ugly, dresses like a girl...oh yeah UGLY
15 :
jealousy, plain and simple.
16 :
He makes the worst songs ever. Who sings in a screechy creepy high voice?!
17 :
1) Hes Canadian! Never trust Canadians! 2) He is destroying America's youth! 3) They population is getting stupider after Justin Bieber.
18 :
I am not from America and I hate him too REASONS His music is downright irritating. He is always dressed like a mannequin I wonna scream every time I see him!
19 :
Americans love to hate. Somehow it became trendy to hate or make fun of certain people. Some don't realize it's okay not to like a person's style/personality/lifestyle/music/movies but it doesn't mean you should bash them. Also, some hardcore fans are too over the top and give right to and fuel the hatred of the haters. People love to hate: Rebecca Black Justin Bieber Charlie Sheen Lindsay Lohan Miley Cyrus Michael Jackson (before he died, then it became cool to love him) etc...
20 :
iiiiii! ti les kai stin ellada ton misoun! rezili mas ekanes :P his voice is like a baby! and his song lyrics are crap, and there's too many young untalented ''singers'' at the moment taking over the hits which is annoying!
21 :
I'd like to think we hate his fans more than him (mostly really stupid teenage girls).

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