Saturday, January 14, 2012

Should I live in Greece or in Italy for this job

Should I live in Greece or in Italy for this job?
So Ive been to greece, and absolutely loved it but I've never been to italy. I live in canada currently, but want to live in europe But when I was in greece, they had a lot of little shops selling art work, like local artists, and the shop owners themselves...i really like that idea. I'm very into art...and I'm goign to university to get a fine arts degree. I want to then either move to greece or italy and open my own shop where i would sell my own art work, along with other artists work, and some handmade jewelery and other art related things. I also am hoping to open and run my own tattoo parlor (not sure about this yet :P ) and I know i sound like a dreamer but i kind of am so... which place would be best to live? (i dont really care abotu being "rich", just need enough to live on)
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It is a very nice dream, but not realistic at all. As Canadian you can come to Europe as tourist, you can come to some European countries on a working holiday visa, but not to all and only for a limited time. As USA citizen you can not even do that. But you can not come to Europe to stay long term or to work unless you have a work permit. Some countries do allow a certain number of people to come to start up businesses but only those that are going to be useful for the countries in the future, and small shops selling art are not really in that category. Tattoo parlors are also not the kind of shops gouvernments see as wanted so getting work permits on that is also very unlikely. And to work in one of that kind of businesses you will never get a work permit. It is unschooled work what every person out of work in Europe can do. Your best chance is to become a well known artist in your own country, then you can move around the world without much hindrance, as a small time artist and seller of handmade jewelry you will not be able to immigrate into Europe. You may not care about becoming rich, but only when you are rich you can live your dream, with a lot of luck that is. And do not ignore the language problems, you will need to be fluent in the local language to become a successful business person, also for a small shop.
2 :
To complete what Wileke has said I will add this. Greece may present a better ground to get started in what you plan but that will be more easier on an island. However, as you have already seen, since you say you have been here, most of those artists that have such small shops are in some way established in their respective local areas and are known for their kind of work. You will have to be extremely dexterous in some form of art so that you will over-pass any local artist of the same ability. Hand-made jewelery is done by almost all but only a few survive to make sustainable living to pay their expenses and the cost of the business. The best alternative is to start off in your town, but if that fails to appeal to you, then choose a Greek island, spend some time there and try to get connected to locals. Then and only then you may start thinking of starting your own shop. Besides as the economic crisis is at the moment very few people can afford to spend money on very unnecessary items.

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