Thursday, April 7, 2011

What is it like to live in Greece

What is it like to live in Greece?
My boyfriend and I have decided to move to Greece in August!! He was raised there, and we can stay at his Grandma's house until we get our own place. Can anybody tell me or direct me to info on Greece? I would just love to know anybody's experiences or opinions. We currenty live in the US.
Greece - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well, I go on vacation to Greece for three months during the whole year, every year and it honeslty feels like my home. I normally live in Cleveland and I am in love with Greece because it feels so homely and loving. Summers, though are totally different from winters because it's like the tourist life goes down in the winter. It's just a totally different world there. You can compare and contrast the similarites and differences of where you live and Greece because there are so many! The people, food, weather, ways of life. I hope your stay there will be just as pleasant as mine.
2 :
Sometimes is GREAT but some others politics indeed ruin it.But i can't say it's just like heaven neither.
3 :
Questions to you, Madame Questioner (and please don't take offense, I'm just trying to give you a heads-up): 1)Do you have any Greek blood in you yourself (i.e., are your parents or grandparents Greek)? 2) Are you a citizen of the EU?/Do you at least have a residency permit for any EU country already? 3) Will you obtain a visa (a work visa or student visa) prior to arrival in Greece? If you have no Greek heritage, have no current EU residency permit or citizenship, have no work visa or student visa for Greece, then you are only allowed to live in Greece technically for 90 days, at which point you must leave the E.U. for 90 days before you may return. Also, during those 90 days you will not be allowed to LEGALLY work (and finding illegal work is becoming more and more difficult). Note, your Greek boyfriend can't "sponser" you to stay in Greece (if you two get married, however, then you could apply for a residency permit as the spouse of an EU/Greek citizen). Be aware also that visas must be obtained through the Greek embassy in the country of your nationality prior to your arrival in Greece. You are not able to obtain visas from within Greece. Obtaining a residency permit while in Greece is contingent upon having either 1) Greek heritage, 2) EU citizenship/a current EU residency permit, 3) a valid visa, or 4) a marriage with an EU citizen.
4 :
Greece is a blessed land. If you want my opinion, in these difficult times, it is better to live in Greece than in the US (where commercialisation is not that high and you can be relatively indipendant). It is easier to move from the US to Greece than from Greece to US at this exactly moment. Certainly there will be things you will be missing for some time. I think that your fiance really knows what he is doing. Welcome, good luck and don't worry!

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