Friday, September 21, 2012

What is the cost of living in Greece

What is the cost of living in Greece?
What does it cost to live in Greece per day? month? year?
Greece - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The arm and the leg lately.... less income, more expenditure. To support a reasonable life style in Athens without a "house you call your own" is about 3.000 Euro per month for two people. @ My cat is worth more....than whatever you and Morticia do posses in total....buster. Some people live from royalties, some do work and some are bludgers sucking the British treasury dry....I have the the luck of having the former and middle option, the lunatic martian is on the doll. I wouldn't live in Melbourne if you pay me to do. That place is a rat-hole and four season weather in a day nightmare
2 :
Depends whether you are an unencumbered property owner, whether you have a mortgage, whether you are renting, whether you own a car, food, utilities bills, car insurance, road tax, parking fees/costs, going to the cinema/theatre/opera, plus any additionally incidental personal and living expenses. Not forgetting of course whether you are married, or, maintaining an expensive courtesan like 'Desi Arnaz', or, an inexpensive one - like the "Cat!" Rumour has it that she is merely a '20-dollar-a-go walker', so, living in Melbourne ought keep you in fairly good financial stead! Greece is a trifle more expensive - since 'frappe' shaking could be kind of 'on the steep side!' @Prometheus. "Buster." "Checks." "Bludgers." "On the doll." (Better than being 'on the blob.') Tut tut: 'Targeting' Greek 'naivete' and good nature. Manipulating. You are not a "woman" mate. Girls are made of "sugar and spice and all things nice." You are a bloke over in La-la land. "A friend of lite." Nevertheless. There is someone a great deal smarter than you......"buster" (ewe must be a fan of George Raft and James Cagney!) who is being........... seriously-remunerated to give me the address where your 'apparatus is assembled.' Once you are exposed, you will have to face whatever 'jumps in or on your face.' Calling my wife a "b-i-t-c-h" and a "w-h-o-r-e" you cowardly 'dirtbox.' Keep going; only making it easier. c.c. Yahoo! Concierge and Yahoo! Legal (by Recorded Delivery.) If I were you 'Ivan', I would take this Email to a lawyer. And, by the way: Been rejected is hard to take mate. I understand! P.S. Glad you've "sold!!" P.S. "Royalties" eh! Oh well. Mr Price, Mr Caan, and, Mr Henson, were of course (and no doubt still are) bedazzled! As well as an internationally-acclaimed pianist - who wishes to remain anonymous!! BULLETIN: According to the Martian's 'Northern' sources, Aristo and the Platypus are/is, one and the same.

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