Saturday, April 14, 2012

what are some ethnic groups that live in greece

what are some ethnic groups that live in greece?

Greece - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
There are some people of Turkish ancestry living in Greece. According to the CIA World Fact Book, Ethnic groups: population: Greek 93%, other (foreign citizens) 7% (2001 census) note: percents represent citizenship, since Greece does not collect data on ethnicity
2 :
ALL ethnic groups are present, especially if you count the Greek Islands
3 :
Macedonians, Turks, Albanians, Vlahs...
4 :
Macedonians, Turks and Vlachs are the most numerous, then Albanians, Romas, Bulgarians etc. But Greece denies the existence of this ethnic groups
5 :
Your question, I suppose, is not innocent, but it deserves some answering. There is a vivid Muslim minority, which consists of people of Roma, Pomak (Slavic), Turkic origines. It is called 'Muslim' and is recognized by the Treates by this name because Ottoman Turks devided their multinational Empire into the 'millet' of Muslims, of 'Greeks/Romii', 'Armenians' etc. I hope you understand. :-) About an Orthodox Minority of Slavic language and origines that like to call themselves 'Macedonians' because they think they are better than Bulgarians and they hate Greeks too, they are very very few at the moment. They exist. Greece hasn't recognize them yet, because Greece hasn't agreed to a name for the country of their alleged origine (I mean how should they be called?), FYROM. Adding, we have to say that this country raises some territorial claims in a large part of Northern Greece, which by the way took part to the exchange population with Bulgaria after the Balkan wars of 1912-1913. Ahh..... About Orthodox Roma, yes, we have some. VLACHS AND ARVANITES ARE PART OF THE GREEK NATION: About Vlachs, just to mention that some of the most famous Greek warriors and contributors to the Greek revolution of 1821 were Vlachs. They speak a latin idiom. Our 'Macedonian' friends claim that in less than a century, their ancestors 'complitely forgot' their language and adopted Greek language before Alexander the Great. Those Vlachs, lived under Roman Rule for at least 5 centuries, whereas the ancient Macedonians were not conquerred by Attic Greeks f.ex. So, is it impossible that they are Greek farmer populations that adopted Roman language and especially the Latin idiom that were at that time spoken in the Balkan peninsula? Just compare the two cases. Another group is Arvanites, they are of Albanian origin. Again, some of the best warriors and people that were sacrificed for the Greek Revolution in 1821, were Arvanites. Here, I have to say, that according to my knowledge, Albanians and especially Toscides, are mixed with Greeks before the Roman Rule of their region, and Greek and Albanian are both the most ancient and isolated versions of the Hindo-european language in the Balkan peninsula. ;-)
6 :
live you mean permanent or as immigrants? Permanent: Pomacs,Roma,Turks (they consist the Muslim minority) Vlachs and Arvanites are self0identify themselves as Greek,so you cant say the are different ethnic groups If we are talking about non-citizenshiped people, There are lots of Albanians,Pakistani,Bulgarians,Romanians,Rusians,Chinese,Phillipenese,Georgians,Bangladeshi,Ukranians, Lots of africans (dont know exactly where they are from) Lately I have seen many Brazilians too.
7 :
Well from what i've seen not too many ethnic groups are here.. Near my town there is a Polish school, and Polish kids from all Athens are going there. Yes there are plenty many. In the Greek part of Thrace there are Turkish ethnic groups called "Pomaks". I have a friend in Soufli and when i went there to meet him there were many Pomaks and Bulgarians. If you are a troll, i tell you that your question doesn't get us mad at all for the reason we have Greek ethnic groups in other countries too. The users above me who said that there are "Macedonians" and "Epirots" ethnic groups in Greece are just doing it to promote hatred. They were raised to avoid the evidences. Epirots and Macedonians are the Greeks who live in those Greek places and those who have their roots there.
8 :
Albanians (like no other...) Turks Slavs Chinese (I swear I'm not lying they own these cheap convenience stores all over the place)

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